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Manbul foundation promote to set the world of utmost bliss up, realized wisdom and virtuous deed. 'No huddles in reality as well as imagination' is the motto of Manbul founation.
Material has been treated the source of devil but it is the one of things in real life. The masses accumulate evil karma by themselves as they are obsessed in material. Evil karma is not happen in case that the masses is not greedy for the material. If the masses is not obsessed in material, fruitful life is good just as Buddha is not greedy for material or Buddha's Pure Land is covered with jewels. Manbul association aims to the world of Avatamsaka, the Middle Path reconciling with the world of spirit and the world of material.
The reason religion is not playing its role in society is that it was not offer 'the spiritual ideology' for the masses. So to speak, religion is subsided in material civilization. Buddhism could not pay its role off as well. Buddhism could not lead the masses into the world of Prajna-wisdom and the blissful world of Bodhisattva while western religion is not lead people into the way for the spiritual recovery but taught people do partial sacrifice such as material distribution. Manbul association offer the spiritual ideology needed in 21century as driving Manbul movement for realization the world of Avatamsaka all around the world.
To build the Indra's net of Avatamsaka must go with accumulating merit as well as virtuous deed. Accumulating merit is to come by brilliant wisdom and virtuous deed means live in material well-being. What pursued by Manbul association is reconciliation between two things, accumulating merit and virtuous deed. In addition, Manbul association promote to establish the arranged society getting away from the chaos society. Manbul association encourages the masses to achieve individual buddha-nature continuously.
Manbul association aims to the world of blissful life, achieving the best wisdom and fulfilling actions of the Bodhisattvas by following the spirit. It makes me and the others great.
Main Office : Tel +82-53-217-0101 Fax +82-53-756-8382
Add : Yeong Cheon Manbul Temple, San 46, Gogi-ri, Yeong Cheon-si, GyeongSangBuk-Do, Korea
E-mail :Lotus @ Manbulsa.orgMain Office : Tel +82-54-335-0101 Fax +82-54-334-8900