Manbul movement of Manbul foundation is based on the awareness of becoming a Buddha. The masses is aware of their Buddha-nature from Manjushri Bodhisattva. So to speak, the masses know their Buddha-nature by themselves. All of the masses have their own Buddha-nature but hardly realize their own Buddha-nature. Realization-becoming a Buddha means that the masses has the ability to see the internal Buddha-nature. Getting Buddha-nature is said the state arising the seed of Buddha-nature
Why is Manbul movement regarded as movement of realization-becoming a Buddha. Happiness of the masses starts to achieve realization-becoming a Buddha and catch wisdom of Manjushri Bodhisattva. The masses lives in darkness because they could not realize becoming a Buddha. Movement of realization-becoming a Buddha is the practice to be aware of Manjushri's wisdom and buddhist movement while shooting out the bud of their's Buddha-nature.
Manbul foundation encourage the masses to practice actions of the bodhisattvas as one of Manbul movement. actions of the bodhisattvas is due to Samantabhadra's force and the beginning of savings the masses according to Manjushri's wisdom. Bodhisattva indicates the masses doing others good and looking for the teaching of Buddha. actions of the bodhisattvas originates from means of trancedence which gives counterparts any help.
actions of the bodhisattvas comes from concessive attitude. Unconditional sacrifice without any condition is not actions of the bodhisattvas. To do for all with cherishing others and yourself is actions of the bodhisattvas. Deed good for others and I, concessive behavior for others and the wish which all living beings achieve realization-becoming a Buddha is brass tracks of Manbul movement.
Manbul foundation promote the revival movement of buddhist innovation. Manbul movement aims to innovate buddhist system for keeping pace with 21century. Innovation succeed in practicing Manjushri's wisdom and Samantabhadra's actions of the bodhisattvas. Buddhist innovation movement would lead the offspring of Buddha to right way in spreading teaching of Buddha. The revival movement of buddhist innovation will be connected with global buddhism through internet and make offspring of the Buddha possible to get their Buddha-nature in their own way. That is, Buddha's Pure Land would be achieved in the ordinary world of suffering and cyclical birth and death.
The revival movement of buddhist innovation aims to the establishment of Indra's net. Indra's net can be divided system from infrastructure.
Indra's net means to build foundation of time and space making possible to connect with human resources and material resources in buddhist sect. To offer space and facilities for building system, human resources and idea and budget would be the first step of buddhist innovation. Besides, propagating buddhism through buddhist hall in domestic and overseas is the buddhist revival.
All the buddhist halls would be fully furnished as a proper place for meditation, space for praying, a conference and so forth.
Promoting to the world of Avatamsaka makes recognize the worth of existence. Birth, death and circulation and cause and result indicates the ordinary world of human. Viewing life is the world of emanation body and making life is said the world of the bliss body in three bodies of buddhism sect. However, the right living beings lives in the world of the Dharma body with vital power.
We succeed in making a life with vital power. It makes the world of the Dharma body and the bliss body or reward body possible. Manbul foundation promote Manbul movement for preserving the worth of existence to help the masses look for their vital power. The worth of existence is explained by wisdom, obtained from a state of Buddha-nature. Manbul foundation would lead the ordinary world of suffering and cyclical birth and death to the world of Avatamsaka.
Main Office : Tel +82-53-217-0101 Fax +82-53-756-8382
Add : Yeong Cheon Manbul Temple, San 46, Gogi-ri, Yeong Cheon-si, GyeongSangBuk-Do, Korea
E-mail :Lotus @ Manbulsa.orgMain Office : Tel +82-54-335-0101 Fax +82-54-334-8900