Purpose of Manbul foundation |
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Manbul foundation would be set buddhist ideology of 21C through realizing Indra's net of Avatamsaka Mandala. Therefore, Manbul foundation would be come true global happiness and comfort beyond boundaries such as you and I, families, societies and countries.
People lives in material civilization which is not harmonized between spirit and material. Material civilization is neither more nor less convenient equipment for human life. The narrow-minded thought which divides you from I or dichotomous thought of enemy and my side make the world separated. What is worse, people are odd with each other and then even occur war. It destroys everything such as material and immaterial. The primary reason of these phenomenon is that people are in darkness like the person who lost. Manbul foundation intends to lead the world to Buddha's Pure Land as setting the right spirit up. |
People generally think that happiness is to pursue their needs. However, the egocentric thought is huge misunderstanding. The sincere happiness in life is succeeded when people recognize that all of the persons are connected with each other. It called the doctrine of dependant origination; all things arise by dependence on something else. Happiness of life would be achieved when people follow teaching of Buddha. Manbul foundation aims to build the world of Avatamsaka to make people lead their life to be full of happiness as people realize individual Buddha-nature. |
Daily happiness and peace comes to comfortable life. Society would be overflown with pleasure as numbers of peaceful family is increased gradually. Peaceful world starts from you, I and my family. Where is source of happiness coming from? The answer is actions of the Bodhisattvas. Actions of the Bodhisattvas lead people to real world from the lifeless world. Accordingly, Manbul foundation encourage people to do the action of Bodhisattva to achieve their real life by themselves. Buddha's Pure Land would be succeeded step by step.
Manbul foundation plans to set buddhist ideology up newly for contemporaries and realize Indra's net of Avatamsaka. Manbul foundation would achieve its purpose, making people live in happiness and comfortable without barrier between countries, families, each of the persons in the near future. |